Monday 15 December 2014

Planning:Filming location

Location for filming- Stubbing Court, Wingerworth.

I have decided to use this location as it is secluded and isolated which is perfect for our thriller. We as a group have decided to make a supernatural thriller and many films use similar locations as it is easy to create tension whether it be the sound of leaves crunching or trees creeking in the wind. We have the ability to film inside the house as it is in my family and is therefore easy for use to film here. 


Planning:One Page Proposal

Working Title: ‘Mind Games’ is our working title, it shows the mental health issues of the murderer and that his own mind is playing games on him.

Film Genre: Horror/Thriller

Length: Estimated 2 Minutes

Target Audience:

·        Age: (15+ Year Olds)

·        Level of Intellect: Anyone can watch however it does leave questions which

·        Lifestyle: People interested in thrills, mystery and drama.

·        Income: Anyone

·        Culture: Appeals to British (Dialogue = English)

·        Bias: Towards males due to only male actors

·        Audience Tone: Average film goer, inquisitive and interested audience.

Tag Line

“The more you know, the more it takes controls”

 ‘What If’ Premise

What if you honestly believe that you are innocent even though you committed the murder of your two friends?

The Story Synopsis​

It said that the mind has complete control. That it can make you do things, things you might not want to do, bad things, things you thought you were never capable of. But can you remember these things? As the mind further consumes it host, how do you escape it...can you escape it?

This is the story of what is supposed to be a calm night in with three friends; however they are all completely unaware of the horrors that may befall. As one friend battles against the severe mental problems threatening to take over, how will he cope with the sudden disappearance and death of his two friends? Will he start to unravel the truth behind the killings or will his mind take control? Certain of his innocence he battles with his unforgiving mind. But who really committed the murders? And will we ever know...?

Audience Appeal

We understand that our target audience (15+) would be seeking jump-scares, eerie atmospheres and the occasional sense of mystery. Baring that in mind, we believe that our final piece will be made up of, and consist of all 3 of these elements. Once our piece has been fully watched over we're definite that questions will be left unanswered (in a cliff-hanger type of manner). Questions such as "how did they become so inhumane?" and "could they of possibly escaped safely?", making the audience really think about the plot and what different outcomes could have occurred. We could imagine young, yet mature actors to embody these roles. Actors such as: Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Dexter Darden. These 3 could really capture the characters innocence yet potential to survive. Leaving that question of "are they capable?"

Visual Realisation

The look of the film with is very dark, mysterious, gloomy and the pacing will be fast. Films like this could be the clip called 'lights out'. Ours will differ because it involves our characters mental health but is similar as we also aim to show a minimal amount and use the power of suggestion. Another film in mind would be ‘Shutter island’ that took the same psychological approach and is a very good approach to that genre so is a good source to refer to.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Research:The Representation Of Disability

I have been looking at issues around the way in which disability is represented in TV dramas. Representation of social groups in our thriller opening is something we need to take some informed decisions about.For example the article called 'Unlimited:Disability on screen' tells us how in the 21st century, TV dramas have been able to represent a wide range of disabilities such as motor neuron disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder and multiple personality conditions.It also shows us how during the Great War, newsreels recorded the rehabilitation of visually impaired and physically disabled servicemen where as in the 21sst century these rolls are commonly played by fully able-bodied people.

Another article on how:women, old, and disabled people are still under-represented on TV tells us how women and older people are still under-represented on television even on some of the UK’s biggest-rating shows.It also tells us how only 2.5% of the population of people that appear on TV are disabled,people over-55s accounting for just 8% of entertainment presenters and 12% of lead roles in drama,Lesbian, gay or bisexual people comprised 1% of the overall TV population and people of ethnic minority taking up only 13.4%.

Another article shows tells about how Ricky Gervais has improved the lives of disabled people for
the way they have highlighted discrimination and ignorance against disabled people.In advertising, drama series, sitcoms, soap operas or comedy panel shows, disabled performers are notably absent and Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are trying to produce projects which tackle our culture of discrimination and ignorance against disabled people.The article also explains how the only place where you will find disabled people routinely featured is in documentaries; but in these there seems to be a demand for a type of misery heavy portrayals of disabled "victims" or "burdened" carers.

In the final article i read through i found out how the influence that the media holds over society has not always been used to society's benefit, particularly in relation to disability, where the media has continued to add to the discrimination of disabled people.For example the way the media use an  underpinning use of disabled stereotypes.It also tells us how in 1991 disabled people were commonly shown as being pathetic,an object of curiosity or violence,sinister or evil,as atmosphere,laughable,his/her own worst enemy,a burden, Non-sexual and being unable to participate in daily life.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Planning:Brief ideas for our thriller film

We decided to mind map a few brief ideas of what we want our thriller to be like, these brief ideas included:
• Roles in the group - what each individual member will be contributing to the task.
• Location - just a few short ideas on where we want some of our scenes to be shot e.g. woods/beside a pond.
• Plot ideas - we decided to brainstorm a few plot ideas we may incorporate in our thriller. However these notes are brief and may not be followed as written.
• Genre - we decided we want to mix the horror/thriller genre as it gives us a wider audience of film lovers and we believe by adding the horror element we can incorporate more effects.

Research:Lighting Effects

We decided to play about with lighting within our group. We tried to use un natural lighting in a dark room to give the character a rather sinister look.
In this photo it shows the character (Frank) with the un natural light source shining on the right side of his face showing his facial expressions. Whereas on the right side of his face there is no light and therefore creates a mysterious and sinister effect. We may consider using this effect in our thriller. Also in this photo the lighting creates a shadow effect in the background, this was not intentional however is a technique we could look into using.

In this photo we decided to put the un natural light so it was shining under the chin of our character (Frank) this created the sinister effect we were looking for as it shows all facial expressions but doesn't give off any of the background. This again is a technique we may consider using in our thriller.