Sunday 19 October 2014

Finished Storyboards

This is the storyboard for our groups preliminary task. While filming we had many new ideas so the storyboards do not cover everything we filmed. However, many of the camera angles shown in the storyboard were still used in our filming.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Preliminary Task

We have been asked to do with a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door,crossing a room and sitting in a chair opposite another character. Then the character must exchange a few lines of dialogue.

Also while filming this task we must include 3 different kinds of filming shots/techniques which are match on action(where a shot is edited from one view to another view that matches the first views action), shot/reverse shot (where one character is shown looking at another character, and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character) and the 180-degree rule(shown in the diagram below).

Framing A Shot: Practice With Stills

The class was set with a task of getting into small groups and going round the school premises and taking a variety of images consisting of different camera angles. However, I was not in the class at that time so i was not able to do this task so instead i have acquired these pictures from a friends group.The following pictures are what they were able to take.

The picture above is an establishing shot. Establishing shots are useful because they instantly show the context of an area which gives the audience an idea of what kind of place a character is in whether it be a calm countryside or a busy city street as well as what time of day it is when the scene is taking place.
This image above it of a mid range shot with leading lines. Leading lines are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image.With the shot being at a medium distance it gives the audience a lot to look at and see and whats going on around and in the scene with the characters.
 The picture above is an extreme close up.The shot is so tight that only a detail of the subject, such as someone's eyes, can be seen.Extreme close ups are very effective to used if your trying to display someones emotions very clearly.
The picture above is a low angled shot. This shot can represent the targets dominance and power.
The shot above is a long shot which is generally used as a scene-setting and to give the viewer a idea of what the surroundings look like.

The pictures above are 3 different angles of the same object which is useful because it offers the viewer different perspectives of the same scene.